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        1 - An Investigation on the Effect of Multifactor Model of Improving Critical Thinking in E-learning Environments
        mohammadreza nili jamshid heydari hossein moradi
        In the third millennium, people deal with multiple, diverse, and complicated problems as they cannot possess full control over the information, which is constantly produced and accumulated. Having a high skill of critical thinking for assessing the results of different More
        In the third millennium, people deal with multiple, diverse, and complicated problems as they cannot possess full control over the information, which is constantly produced and accumulated. Having a high skill of critical thinking for assessing the results of different issues and decision making about them based on evidences is an unavoidable necessity. The researchers of this work proposed a model with seven factors (components) for critical thinking in e-learning environments. The statistical group of this work is the M.Sc. medical education students of  AZAD university e-learning environments, and the students of the same field from Islamic Azad University traditional education system studying during 2011-2012. Among the research community, 47 members were selected based on a simple random method and divided into two trial (with 23 members) and reference (with 42 members) groups. To train the trial group, the seven-factor critical thinking training scale was utilized in e-learning environments in 15 sessions with empirical sciences course. In the reference group, the same seven-factor critical thinking training scale was used in the classroom environment in lecturing in 15 sessions with empirical sciences course. The model factors and components are challenge, representation, creation of opportunity, creation of motivation, logical analysis, encouragement, responsibility, and commitment. Both groups were subject to two pretest and posttest steps within two trial groups, which were considered as reference to each other. Both groups responded to the Watson- Glaser™ Critical Thinking Appraisal within two pretest and posttest steps, while the covariance analysis statistical test was used for analysis of the results. The results indicate significant difference between the scores between trial and reference groups in improving the critical thinking of the students in terms of inferential, assumption detection, deduction, interpretation, and logical reasoning evaluation components (p=0.001). According to the results, in terms of improving critical thinking, the trial group trained in the e-learning environment indicates higher scores as compared to the group trained in the traditional classroom environment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Improving Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing Using Particle Swarm and Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithms
        seyed ebrahim dashti saeid shabooei
        Mobile edge computing improves the experience of end users to achieve appropriate services and service quality. In this paper, the problem of improving resource allocation, when offloading tasks, based on mobile devices to edge servers in computing systems is investigat More
        Mobile edge computing improves the experience of end users to achieve appropriate services and service quality. In this paper, the problem of improving resource allocation, when offloading tasks, based on mobile devices to edge servers in computing systems is investigated. Some tasks are uploaded and processed locally and some to edge servers. The main issue is that the offloaded tasks for virtual machines in computing networks are properly scheduled to minimize computing time, service cost, computing network waste, and the maximum connection of a task with the network. In this paper, a multi-objective hybrid algorithm of particle swarm and gray wolf was introduced to manage resource allocation and task scheduling to achieve an optimal result in edge computing networks. Local search in the particle swarm algorithm has good results in the problem, but it will cause the loss of global optima, so in this problem, in order to improve the model, the gray wolf algorithm was used as the main basis of the proposed algorithm, in the wolf algorithm Gray, due to the graphical approach to the problem, the set of global searches will reach the optimal solution, so by combining these functions, we tried to improve the operational conditions of the two algorithms for the desired goals of the problem. In order to create a network in this research, the network creation parameters in the basic article were used and the LCG data set was used in the simulation. The simulation environment in this research is the sim cloud environment. The comparison results show the improvement of waiting time and cost in the proposed approach. The results show that, on average, the proposed model has performed better by reducing the work time by 10% and increasing the use of resources by 16%. Manuscript profile